Anessa Arnold

Los Angeles ยท California |

I'm a Software Developer working with JavaScript, Express, Node, frameworks such as React and Ruby on Rails, libraries such as jQuery, Bootstrap, and Materialize. Currently, I'm working on a full stack application called Praxis which gives a user the ability to shift their guitar practice into a more social experience. Praxis is built on the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React and Node).

Programming Languages & Tools





Mancala is a two player board game that uses pits and stones. Mancala involves lots of fun logic as well a little bit of luck to win.

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Guitars Auction

Guitars Auction

Guitar Auction is a web application built with Ruby on Rails, SQL, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Guitar Auction allows a user to auction guitars, upload a picture of that guitar and set the end date of the auction. Users of the application can bid on guitars and see a list of all won auctions after the end auction date is up.

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Queue was a group project completed at GA. Queue allows instructors to create quizzes, questions and answers to those questions and allows the instructor to easily set the correct answer for the later use. Student users of the app can login with their github account and see quizzes assigned by their instructors. The students can take the assigned quizzes and see their strength and weakness areas of the tested material. My role in this group project was coding lead. I was in charge of creating functionality as well as connecting the backend for data to be persisted. Queue was built using JavaScript, Node, Express, Mongo DB, HTML, CSS and Materialize.

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Praxis is a web application that aims to make guitar practice a more social and shared experience. Praxis allows users to post their practice sessions and the duration of that practice session. Commenting allows for a conversation to develop about the current topics being practiced. Praxis is a full stack application built using Mongo DB, Express, React and Node and is styled using Materialize.

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